Do you realize how beautiful you are? How unique? Do you ever tell yourself how wonderful you are? Do you laugh at your reflection in the mirror?
You seem to be falling into an all-too-familiar trap again and again - the waters of love are turbulent, and those looking for calm pools can quickly find that they actually start to get bored there. Maybe that's why you're drawn to stories that are often unfinished and unattainable. Lovers and casual sex also have their dark side - it often happens that you get attached to your partner and can't get them out of your head... and because of this, you constantly think about the person you like!
If you haven't heard of the 2-2-2 rule, it's time to start practicing it, because it will improve your relationship.
This most famous astrologer in the world was of the opinion that only 3 astrological signs are truly special!
Finding your own satisfaction and achieving happiness is the dream of every individual. Happiness is a very subjective thing, somewhat reminiscent of a moving target. It is important that you know how to feel it and allow it to come to you. Of course, everyone defines it differently, but there are still some actions that you can incorporate into your daily life. These will increase your level of satisfaction. We present to you the habits of happy people.
Jealousy between partners! Eternal darkness that knows no bounds. How do individual astrological signs behave in the effect of jealousy? Let's see!
Venus, considered the planet of love, has moved into an intense sign that goes from one extreme to the other. He wants complete devotion, deep love and passionate pleasures in bed.
Once "Cupid" shoots his arrow, there is no going back. It can happen anytime and anywhere, but usually when we least expect it. Falling in love is something that cannot be controlled by reason. Did it hit you too?
Whether you and your partner have lived under the same roof for 5 or 40 years, the situation with the corona virus has turned many things upside down. Some got closer during the pandemic itself and the resulting quarantine, while others drifted apart. Stress and anxiety are among the fastest ways to extinguish intimacy in a relationship.
Never forget to show the person you love that they are your world! Every woman wants to hear such words.
"Having a broken heart is a good thing. It means you tried something". - Elizabeth Gilbert
Although many people think that the critical day of the week to cheat on a partner is Saturday, the weekend is actually much less dangerous than what we laymen think is the least likely moment for infidelity.