
The miraculous words that every woman wants to hear and are more important than "I love you"

This is what women really want!

Photo: envato

Never forget to show the person you love that they are your world! Every woman wants to hear such words.

"I love you" is a phrase that everyone wants to hear. What people will not do to heard these magical words from the mouth of a loved one ... because people like to be loved. Everyone enjoys the fact that someone loves them despite their flaws, their looks, their habits... and they are good enough for that person they care about.

However, love is often not enough. It is necessary to put in a lot more effort, if you want yours the relationship succeeds. This is precisely why it is important to use words that are much more important than "I love you".

Words that are more important than "I love you":

"I forgive you." Forgive the person who hurt you, because no one is perfect.
"I will make sacrifices." Sacrifice your time and be the strong half when your love is worse because it deserves it.
“I respect you.” Respect your loved one for who they are, not for what you think you should.

“I respect you.”
“I respect you.”

“I support you.” Supporting a loved one in all their dreams and hopes is what every person needs.
"I will protect you." It protects the person you love most in the world. Guard the idea of the two of you.
"I am devoted to you." Show your loved one that they can trust you and that you will be by their side forever and that the relationship is your priority in life.

Some people claim that all these things come in “a package of love”, but this is only true in a perfect world. In that less perfect people they make mistakes, but with effort and improvement, they can find peace and become the best partners in the world.

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