The Law of Attraction works on the belief that positive or negative thoughts produce positive or negative results. This is based on the idea that people and their thoughts are created from pure energy and from the belief that energy attracts energy. Every wish can be fulfilled only if we firmly believe in it.
Sometimes it's the best. Breakups are painful, but it's even more painful when you try at all costs to solve something that can no longer be solved.
Believe it or not, while writing the article, I felt an overwhelming urge to run. Although it was already dark and I felt as if it would start raining at any moment, I put on my running shoes and started exercising. But why did I make that decision?
Honesty is a great virtue, although we often don't want to hear it. Therefore, it is not surprising that we keep such friends in our lives who do not have a hair on their tongue. Recent research has shown that they are just such friends - the best friends.
We found our dream job: sleeping. A company engaged in testing sleeping mattresses is looking for new employees. You can become that too!
Just for you, we looked into astrology and found the little, almost unknown things that individual astrological signs do. Secrets that have been hidden are now revealed, just for you.
Love is not just a word. It is an emotion that people experience in different ways. Each of us has a hidden desire for that happy, unrepeatable love that we only experience once in our lives. Is that true? Let's see what astrology has to say about it.
Men believe that every woman should know these things about a relationship. And we can agree.
Can you say your mother is your best friend? These 10 signs reveal it to you.
Do you often wash your hair right before bed, or do you immediately wrap it in a towel and go to bed? Not at all. Wet hair and lying in bed are not the best combination. Why?
These women age like fine wine!
We all argue at some point, no matter what kind of relationship we're in. Believe it or not, there is nothing wrong with that, quite the opposite. It is a rule that partners in relationships that have no future sweep all problems under the carpet and then suddenly, to the surprise of those around them, break up.