It is wonderful to be in love and to love, but women often find themselves in a situation where they offend their man, but also cannot understand why he is hurt.
We present to you 7 types of burnout, how to recognize them and how to solve the problem.
Sometimes it's just not meant for you, even though you wish otherwise....
Which astrological sign scares the most with its personality?
Put yourself in his shoes.
Too fast? Too cold? Too absent? What turns women off the most in bed? If nothing comes to mind, you may be inspired by the following results of a survey of more than 3,000 women.
Ultimatums are one of the most common reasons for breakups. Sometimes they can save a relationship, but sometimes if you don't set it up the right way, they become relationship killers. We present to you a selection of ultimates that are destructive and those that are useful!
You are still afraid of getting hurt again.
In 2020, we didn't have much chance to realize our plans. We are deprived of many meetings and love wishes, but the spring of 2021 can change a lot.
"Getting married is like reaching into a bag with ninety-nine rattlesnakes and one white-tailed deer. You have a 1 percent chance of pulling out a white-tailed deer, and that's a snake."
Heartache is not a choice.
From the best to the worst spouse.