The Celts had their own horoscope with 13 signs, according to which each sign has a corresponding tree and characteristics.
Some of the above may seem absurd to you, but a large group of men surveyed confirmed it.
How to identify people with a blue aura and are you one of them?
"It's not about the face, it's about the expressions on it. It's not about the voice, it's about the words you say. It's not how you look, it's what you make of yourself. You're beautiful." - Stephenie Meyer
"One day I will look into your eyes and it won't hurt anymore": a message you will find yourself in!
No breakup is easy, but everyone finds their own way to deal with this grief.
Find out which three astrological signs are sexually insatiable?
A seemingly perfect relationship is not always what it seems.
If you try it, you will be very, very satisfied!
If your sex life is so exciting that you're thinking of putting a fire extinguisher under your bed, it's a sign that you've found your erotic soulmate.
These are books that will make you rethink your whole life.
How to forget the person who broke your heart at least for a few moments? Try these movies that have the power to help you get over your ex and heal your heart!
Men really can't stand these five qualities!