
Eight signs that someone genuinely cares about you

Let's look at the signs by which you can be sure that someone genuinely cares about you!

It is difficult to admit your feelings to another person. But do you know that many things can also be revealed through conscious and unconscious behavior? Especially if you are not sure if someone, friend or partner, cares about you.

These are signs that someone genuinely cares about you!

1. They are in tune with your mood and behavioral swings

They know when something is going on with you without you even having to say anything.

2. They care about you in all kinds of small ways

They buy you food or drink because they know what you like to eat and drink. They dust your clothes or fix your hair. They try to help you feel good and do everything they can to help you.

3. They give you space when you need it

Whether it's a friend or partner, they respect your need for private space. They give you time to think in peace or look for a way out of situations. They don't take it personally.

4. They show you their love without words

Their actions show the sincere intentions of their heart and you know they love you before the words leave their lips.

They know when something is going on with you without you even having to say anything.

5. They forgive

They do not leave after the first misunderstanding or unfavorable situation. This doesn't mean that true love or care is measured in the amount of your toxic behavior they're willing to put up with, but simply that they know you're only human and won't abandon you at the first hurdle.

6. They will defend you behind your back

Whether you are silent or simply absent, this person will remain loyal to you and protect your reputation even when you are not with them.

7. They remember important dates in your life

Whether it's your birthday or a date that has special meaning for you, they will remember it.

8. They will say goodbye in a nice way

If the day comes when they separate or perhaps break up, they will try to make the separation as pleasant as possible. They will say goodbye and explain to you why they are leaving.

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