What do men really like about sex? Men on Reddit have answered this question and it is precisely these 11 characteristics that make a woman the best lover in bed.
For a relationship to last, it needs more than just love. Most of the time, it is much more important how well the two partners match.
"The most painful thing is to lose yourself, because of too much love for someone else and forget that you yourself are unique." - Ernest Hemingway
"A happy relationship does not depend on whether you find the right person, but on whether you are the right person." - Eric Butterworth
Like any other major event, marriage and marriage are also affected by the movement of planets through the houses of astrological signs. The wedding ceremony is particularly important as it represents the birth of marriage. So if you are planning a wedding in 2021, check your sign and your partner's sign, as each month has unique planetary positions that could make your marriage a blessing or a curse, according to the Wise Horoscope portal.
Find out which word best describes the character of your sky sign!
A kiss, a hug, a look in the eyes - small things that fill your soul.
Sexuality alone does not create pleasure, the magical moment of passion is the work of a lover, a partner.
Let us tell you something right away: it's not all about romance
These are signs that your cosmic soul mate is close by and that true love is knocking on your door.
Women in these astrological signs are incredibly kind, loving and attractive!
Have you ever wondered what is hidden in your DNA? I'm not talking about who your ancestors are, where you come from and whether you have any blue blood in you... I'm talking about how your genes, what was laid in your cradle, affects how you age, what is your metabolism, heart health, where are you with vitamins and minerals, what is your athletic performance and why the hell are you so subject to the yo-yo effect when losing weight?!