"The life goal of every individual is always the same: advancement in the good." - Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy
For the first time since 1944, people all over the world will be able to see a strange blue full moon, on the strangest night of the year. Legend says…
After watching these movies, you will be even more convinced that it is cheating
Alcohol doesn't always bring out the best in us, but it does reveal the truth about who we are.
According to research, you can find out in a very simple way whether someone likes you or not.
You have to walk around them like eggs!
Halloween is just around the corner, and whether you celebrate the holiday or not, this event is sure to be a good excuse for a special night out with your significant other!
"Respect yourself and others will respect you." - Confucius
"I gave you something unheard of. Something that has never been given before. I gave you my heartbeat." - Edith M. Thomas
"What we once enjoyed, we can never lose. Everything we deeply love becomes a part of us." - Helen Keller