
People who like to be alone have these 21 unique personality traits!

"You can't be lonely if you like the person you're alone with." - Wayne Dyer

There are people who like to spend time in solitude, alone, away from the hustle and bustle. Some people think that they are like this because they are shy and do not have the confidence to meet larger groups, but this is not the case.

They are strong, self-confident individuals who know exactly what they want from life, and others only hinder them.

Psychologist Bella DePaulo is the author of the book Singled Out: How Singles Are Stereotyped, Stigmatized, and Ignored, and Still Live Happily Ever After it says that people don't mind, that they spend time with themselves and that they enjoy it.

Here are 21 personality traits of these people!

1. They have incredible emotional strength

Since they spend most of their time with their own thoughts, these people are in touch with their feelings and understand themselves better.

2. They are naturally empathetic

They observe other people and are full of empathy. They understand and feel what other people are going through, so they can offer them better support and understanding.

3. They have a strong moral compass

These people have a very clear sense of right and wrong because they think about things when they are alone.

4. An open mind

People who like to be alone like new experiences and new perspectives. But they get it in their own way, and that's why they may seem indifferent.

5. They don't care if others accept them

These people don't feel the need to fit into a mold and they don't care about popularity because they are happy with themselves.

6. They admit their shortcomings

They are aware of the fact that they are not perfect and do not even try to pretend that they are.

7. They like the company of other intellectuals

They hate meaningless conversations and want to be with those who share the same interests and intellectual spirit.

8. They value their time

They value their time and the time of others because they know how important it is.

9. They have strong intuition

People who like to spend time in solitude have a better understanding of themselves and life and are very connected to their intuition.

10. They are loyal

They have a select few friends. They are very reliable and loyal.

11. They are independent

They are not dependent on others and are self-reliant.

12. They have strong, clear opinions about the world

They observe what is happening and have very strong and clear opinions about things, which they do not always share with others.

13. They are self-conscious

They think a lot, thereby getting to know their body, existence and shortcomings better. They work on personal growth.

14. They are kind and compassionate

They are thoughtful and caring and spread love to others around them.

15. They respect healthy boundaries

They will always respect your boundaries and expect the same in return.

16. They are brave

They are brave enough to face the world and do it no matter what.

17. They are mature

They are very rational, calm and perceptive. In times of crisis, they always have the best solution.

18. They love – themselves

Because they spend time with themselves, they know how important self-love is.

19. They are looking for meaningful love relationships

They don't waste time on superficial relationships. They want partners who are compatible with them.

20. They are aware of their strengths and weaknesses

They have a clear understanding of their true selves and perform better because of it.

21. They are reliable

If they promise you something, rest assured that it will be done.

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