"It's better to be miserable alone than miserable with someone." - Marilyn Monroe
Send me a message... and I'll tell you what you're like.
As many marriages as there are secrets to keeping them successful.
In Slovenia, around 1,400 women and 10 men suffer from breast cancer. More than 400 women and two men lose their battle with the disease.
If you're someone who just can't go to the bathroom without your phone, there are some risks you should consider. Not only is this bad for our health, but it can also affect our minds and how well we work.
A good day starts with a good night's sleep.
Not everything works for everyone, so New York-based nutritionist Jennifer Cassetta wonders when we'll stop believing that weight loss is all about cutting back on food!
We often hear how strong women scare men. This is not true. They don't scare all men, they only scare those who are weaker than them.
When is the best time to have sex? Is it morning, evening, maybe afternoon? Each of us has "our own time", and experts have also given their opinion. They say that each part of the day has its advantages, depending on what we want from sex.
Secrets every man should know.
"Where love reigns, there are neither big nor small."- Japanese proverb