
When choosing a potential partner, inches are much more important than you think!

When choosing a potential partner, inches are extremely important...just not the ones you probably thought of first!

Scientists have found that our genes play a role in choosing a partner, and these are the ones that determine ours height. A study, published in the journal Genome Biology, did not answer the question of whether we choose a person of similar height solely because of genetics or because of other factors, but confirmed that we choose a person who is close to us in height.

The study analyzed 13,068 heterosexual couples and, based on the collected data, found that partners are often about the same height. The lead researchers explained that this is not just a coincidence, but that there are important sociological and biological reasons for this to be the case. The fact that this is the case can mean many things. For example, why is it that the person we find attractive is the person who physically resembles us? Will we pass on our good sides to our offspring, since our partner also has them?

Although the height of a potential partner is often a subconscious factor in the choice, there are also those who opposites definitely attract! That is why, for example, we find cases of extremely tall men who are in relationships with very short women, and somewhat less often, tall women who are in relationships with short men.

Either way, height has proven to be a factor that people look at when looking for a potential mate. The only thing that varies from person to person is number, who answers to someone.

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