Don't give your heart just like that, don't give your heart to just anyone.
"Disappointments are good because they shatter illusions." - Barbara Brennan
Most of her life she had to rely on herself. And still do. Unlike any other woman, she knows how to take care of herself and does not depend on anyone. She built walls around her heart higher than the tallest skyscraper. And she made sure that only a real, authentic person who would see her in her most vulnerable form would destroy them.
Summer is almost here! It's time to enjoy the beach and the pool. On the other hand, the hot sun is a killer for outdoor activities. Before you start your summer adventures, read how you can use a few tricks to ensure that, despite the heat, you provide your body with a sufficient amount of liquid.
They are living lie detectors. They immediately recognize whether you are telling the truth or drowning in lies.
Thank you for helping me to find myself again, to laugh and love again.
"Give those you love wings to fly, roots to return and a reason to stay." - The Dalai Lama
Unfortunately, many people choose to stay in bad relationships because they are afraid of being alone. They assume that if you are alone, you will be lonely and unhappy.
Although it is difficult to generalize and throw all men in the same basket, there are certain emotional needs and little things that most men expect from their partners, but women often forget about them.
Are you honest with yourself? How often do you sabotage yourself? Set tasks for yourself every day and work towards the set goal. It seems to you that you do everything right in life, that you try to be better than others, that you "invest" more than others. But still you stand still. There is no success. See if you're using any of these 20 typical excuses that prevent you from succeeding.
Believe it or not, science has revealed how many times a week of bed activity is enough to make a happy couple.
Some find their love very soon, while the rest try again and again, but in the end they just don't find the right person. And THESE are 6 astrological signs that always choose the wrong partner.