
15 painful signs that tell you that your partner or husband does not love you anymore

It would be unique if you were with the same person you are married to until your last breath, but unfortunately that is not always possible.

When everything is no longer as it should be in a partnership, you start to wonder: "Does he still love me?"

Many women are aware of the fact that men no longer love them, but still live with them as if everything is perfectly fine. They stay with them because of children, financial situation or out of habit.

Pretending that things work is a denial of reality and such a marriage is no longer a real relationship. It's just an illusion that will end sooner or later.

Here are some of the most common warning signs that have led women to realize that their partner no longer loves them.

1. He doesn't communicate

Lack of communication by itself does not mean that he does not love you. But if that's what your female gut tells you, believe it, because it's true 99.99 percent of the time.

If you want to save your marriage, try talking to him. Tell him frankly that you don't feel good in a relationship without open communication. If he doesn't want to talk and doesn't care how you feel, think about your relationship. Maintain your self-respect and dignity and end such an attitude.

2. He is bored

It is normal that in a long-term relationship there will be moments when you are bored. All you have to do is do new, different or old things - together. But if you notice that your husband is bored only when he is with you and not when he is alone or with others, this is a sign that something is seriously wrong. Maybe there is another woman in his life and he only thinks about her. Maybe there are issues he is dealing with that he doesn't trust you with?

If he shows disinterest in your affection, communication and love, such a man is not worth your time.

3. He fights all the time

You can no longer have a normal conversation with him. An argument arises from every conversation. He blames you for all the problems between you two. Ask him why he thinks that. Perhaps they seek the help of a marriage counselor and with his help find a way to a happier future. Is he willing to do something about it or not? If he refuses to resolve conflicts, then he has no feelings for you anymore and it's time to leave him.

You don't deserve someone who will only pay attention to you when they are in a good mood. You don't deserve someone who will ignore you every time you need them. No matter how much you love him, show him that you really don't need him like that.

4. He doesn't work hard for your relationship

You've been the only one investing in your relationship for a while now. He refuses to talk and does nothing to make it better. This is a sign of disrespect. Disrespect is one of the strongest signs of a lost marriage. Tell him that you are not the one who will carry all the partnership obligations. Let him know that if he doesn't want to change, he can leave.

Look at yourself. Think about how you feel. The essence of any relationship is that you feel relaxed, happy in the relationship. To have someone you can rely on. Someone who will love you and encourage you. It's either there for you or it's not. It's that simple. Think again if he is the man you want to spend the rest of your life with.

5. He is inaccessible and cold

Every time you try to call him on the phone, he is unavailable. When someone else calls him, he's there. What does that tell you? It's just that he doesn't love you anymore, but he wouldn't leave you yet. Maybe the divorce is something that is not good for his career. Or it could be that he doesn't want to be exposed to criticism from his family and friends.

If he acts cold when he is with you, even after you try to talk to him and solve the problem, think about it. Not only does he no longer love you, but in his mind, your marriage is already over. He's taking advantage of you, he doesn't even want to make an effort, not for you, not for the relationship. This is a man who doesn't know what he wants.

6. He is not at home

When you love someone, you want to be with that person all the time. He is not there. He prefers to be with friends, colleagues, than with you and your children. Ask him what the reason is, because it should be the opposite.

Talk to him openly. Tell him that living together is not the life of two strangers, but being with someone you love. If he won't listen to you, walk away. Go on with your life elsewhere.

7. He doesn't want sex

Lack of intercourse is one of the most obvious signs that something is wrong. If he doesn't want to be intimate, it means one of two things - either he's in a relationship with someone else, or he doesn't find you attractive anymore. A woman or man wants to be intimate with the person they love. If this is not the case, cracks appear in the relationship. Doubts. Predictions. This, in turn, will eventually lead to the end of the relationship.

Play on your feminine charms and try to win him back. Spice up your intimate relationship. If he doesn't respond, it's time to say goodbye to him for good.

8. He doesn't respect you

Whatever you say is stupid to him. Whether you talk about your business successes or what you want, he doesn't listen to you or humiliates you. He can't see you. You don't deserve someone who doesn't respect you. You deserve a loving and caring man who will support you.

The key to a great relationship is good communication. Tell him that if he is no longer in love with you, he can leave and continue his life elsewhere - without you.

9. You suspect he is cheating on you

Women intuitively sense when men are cheating on them. So if you think something is wrong, it probably isn't. You can see this by changed behavior, indifference, lack of communication and intimacy. But if you have evidence that reveals his infidelity, what are you waiting for?

10. You take it for granted

He thinks he can do whatever he wants and you will always forgive him. He cheats on you, despises you, slanders you... Talk to each other. You are not taken for granted. Ask him if he understands that you can leave and not come back. You are not taken for granted. You can live without it.

11. It requires a lot of space

Everyone needs time for themselves. An hour or two a day. But when it's gone for hours or even days, it's a worrying sign. He won't even tell you where he's been or give you weird excuses. He will be with you, but basically he won't be there. It will be completely disconnected. You will lose the desire to spend time with him, because hanging out with someone who clearly does not want to be around you makes no sense.

12. He criticizes you most of the time

There are two types of criticism. The first one where someone criticizes you and helps you grow. Another one where someone is constantly complaining and blaming you for things you have no control over.

This is a tactic of men who have no "balls" to end the relationship themselves. When you leave, they blame you for everything. They will say that it wasn't their fault, it was your fault - you were the ones who left, because no one knows what they did to you to make you leave them.

13. Don't try for marriage

The moment your man stops trying to solve your problems, you know it's over. When he no longer sees the point in fighting for you and your marriage, it is already dead. Men are natural problem solvers, when they see a problem, they try to find a solution. They do this every day. He probably doesn't even love you anymore, he just hasn't admitted it to himself yet.

14. He doesn't miss you

Is your husband indifferent when you come home from a two-day trip? Does he tell you that it was better when you weren't home? Is he obviously unhappy that you're back? When two love each other and are happy, they fall into each other's arms if they don't see each other for a few hours or a few days. You agree?

15. Everything you say is wrong

He used to be kind, attentive, smiling, but over time all this slowly disappeared. Love cannot disappear with time. It can only strengthen or change form, it can never disappear.

He no longer likes your little imperfections. It is full of negative comments. If you happen to say something he doesn't like, an avalanche of insults is triggered in him. You prefer to be silent and take refuge in your own world. Why? Go away.

What to do if the signs indicate that he doesn't love you anymore?

It is important to realize that people change. Although the man you live with was charming, attentive, smiling at the beginning of the relationship, he can turn into a completely different person over the years. Talk to him. Try to work things out in a civilized manner. If you can't come to an agreement, try therapy. Maybe you just need someone to help you communicate with each other so that you can solve your problems. If that doesn't work either, go your separate ways.

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