Sensitive and emotional people should accept their emotionality. It is important that we do so. If we think about it, we are extremely lucky to be like this - the essence of life is to feel and enjoy all the emotions it brings us! But where are the traps?
Is it difficult for you? And that's the reason you're ruining your life and being arrogant about the blessings that life has in store for you?
When you are waiting for his message, what are you thinking about?
There are couples who have a crazy good sex life even after many years of relationship. They are rare, but they exist. What do these couples do differently compared to those who have been dry in bed for months or years?
We're told that we have to make compromises in a relationship because nobody's perfect, but that doesn't mean we have to lower our standards. We have to fight for the things we deserve, otherwise it's NOT WORTH IT.
Don't you think life would be a lot easier if things were simpler? If there were more closed answers to your questions instead of open answers? If the apple of paradise meant simply an apple and not lust? If the silence was simply empty and didn't mean disappointment? If "thank you" meant gratitude and had no hidden intentions? It would be nice if things were simple sometimes.
Care and attention won't solve all the problems you may face at the beginning of a relationship, but without these two things, there is NO strong and long-term relationship.
If you don't take care of yourself, you will feel the consequences.
You will be able to express how true and sincere your love is with these statements, which even the greatest romantic souls would not defend themselves from!
Astrology does not only study each sign individually, but also the (love) relationships between them. And the fact is that some are failures, others are outstanding. Can you guess which 3 astrological couples will grow old together?
So that you don't regret it in 10, 20 or 30 years, you SHOULD NOT BE AFRAID today!
Is it fair that we are persistently patient with those who count for absolutely nothing in our lives, while we suffer with those who should be treated like a little water in the palm of our hands?