
When a woman kills the man in her partner: don't do it!

"I don't need flowers, don't throw money away! You better buy something for our home.”

Today, women are united by only one thing, and that is to give more they need nothing and no one. You can often hear them say:

"No need for you to carry, I have hands too."
"There's no need for you to cook dinner, I'll come home and fix everything."
"You don't have to wait for me at the bus stop. I'll come alone."
"Don't buy me anything for my birthday. It is enough that you are with me. You are my gift.”
"You don't need to take me to the store, I'll be alone. I can really carry those few bags.”
"I don't need flowers, don't throw money away! You better buy something for our home.”
"There is no need to go to a hotel, an apartment is enough. I will cook."
"It's enough to go on vacation for a week."
"There's no need for you to go to the doctor with me, I'm not a child. I'm going alone."
"There's no need to make me breakfast. I don't eat that early.”
"There's no need for you to spend money on me, I have everything I need."
"Don't tell me what to do, I'm not a child!"

When a woman needs nothing more, the man stops caring for her. It is true that such a woman is self-sufficient, independent and intelligent, but in this way she kills the man in her partner. She might later complain that he became her man insensitive, that he is disinterested. But she won't realize that she contributed to it herself.

 It is true that such a woman is self-sufficient, independent and intelligent, but in this way she kills the man in her partner.
It is true that such a woman is self-sufficient, independent and intelligent, but in this way she kills the man in her partner.

He will no longer take care of a woman, he will no longer protect her, he will no longer be responsible and strong, because such a woman can do everything ALONE. His desire for a partner will disappear.

If you want a passive-aggressive man by your side, go ahead and do it all yourself. But if you need a caring, responsible and kind man, mu you must allow, to take care of you today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow … Never kill the man in your partner!

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