Humans have been researching and analyzing our dreams since the beginning of mankind. Today, this kind of activity even has its own scientific discipline called oneirology. Some believe that dreams can predict the future, but psychologists claim that dreams reflect our current state and that the subconscious is trying to tell us something. What dreams should you NEVER ignore?
We've all met someone who sparked a spark in us at that moment. We started corresponding with this person and it already looked like we were on the right track. Then, overnight, this happens!
Even if you don't believe in horoscopes - it is a fact that certain astrological signs have more sexual charge. Thus, men born under these signs are greater seducers. We have also focused on how to actually conquer them!
The date night you've been waiting for has finally arrived. And then you make those classic stupid mistakes we all make on a first date!
Meeting the dream man we want to marry is not easy. Many girls have a long list, and on the list they want qualities that are supposed to distinguish the man of their dreams. But the man of your dreams cannot be planned or bought. We have to be in the right place at the right time. And then we must feel that this is it! However, certain qualities in a man should not be ignored. If your man has these qualities, you can just marry him.
We have compiled a list of intimate things that will greatly enrich your relationship and take it to a different level. With them, you will get closer and expand your horizons of intimacy. We know you haven't tried most of them yet!
A new survey by Lelo, a company known for making sexual accessories, reveals which professions are most involved in bed games. Is yours among them?
But the truth is that we are all bloody under the skin and we don't need to be perfect. So it's about time we stopped judging ourselves for the following 12 things.
How to recognize your own masks and the masks worn by other people? We can learn this with the help of Liz Burbo's psychological test.
It's hard to know when you've REALLY grown up, because many times it turns out that you've really grown up only in terms of years, but not in intellect and emotions. What the Stars Say About Growing Up - What Signs Show You've Grown Up According to Your Astrological Sign?
Not quite sure what's right? You used to sleep naked, but today pajamas are a mandatory part of your sleeping ritual. Which is healthier remains a subject of heated debate. We've put together a list of basic things you need to know if you sleep naked.
Do you think your relationship is going in the right direction? Look at these clear signs that show whether you are getting married soon?!