
The Power of Apology: People who truly love also apologize

Nobody is perfect. We've all done something stupid at some point that hurt another person. The easiest thing to do is to blame others for mistakes or find thousands of excuses just to avoid having to apologize.

Apologizing is for partnership crucial, as it helps alleviate conflicts and tensions and re-establish mutual connection. To say "I'm sorry" means we are mature enough, to admit our own mistakes, compassionate enough, to deplore them, and responsible enough, that we are ready to bear their consequences.

"The weak can never forgive, forgiveness is an attribute of the strong." – M. Gandhi

Saying "I'm sorry" means that we are mature enough to admit our mistakes.
Saying "sorry" means that we are mature enough to admit our mistakes.

Why is it so hard to say sorry?

Because with this actually we admit we were wrong. Apology not an admission of guilt and responsibility for the dispute. Some believe that if they apologize, the other person will not see the mistakes of their behavior. It's not true. Apologizing opens the way to communication and promotes empathy and understanding on both sides.

Who will apologize first? This is not a competition. Let's not wait, let's take the first step. There will be an apology increased our confidence, not the other way around! By apologizing, we understand our actions and will be more careful in the future. Apologizing is not a sign of weakness, on the contrary, it is a sign of strength and confidence. Let's admit our mistakes and let's not let ego and pride blind us.

Apologizing is not a sign of weakness, on the contrary, it is a sign of strength and self-confidence.
Apologizing is not a sign of weakness, on the contrary, it is a sign of strength and self-confidence.

How to sincerely apologize?

When we apologize, we mean it. Sincere apologies it is more than just a phrase "forgive me". This lets the other person know that if they could stop time and go back, they would do anything to prevent it from happening.

Let's choose the right time. Someone needs more, others less time to forgive mistakes. When we tell a person we're sorry, we're letting them know that we're ready to talk about it when they're ready too. Don't let resentment overcome your heart.

We take responsibility for our actions. Let's not get defensive. We are not looking for excuses and explanations. Let's be direct in our apology, without but…

The manner is important. Apologize in person, make eye contact, put down the phone and focus on the person.

When we apologize, we mean it.
When we apologize, we mean it.

An apology cannot change what was, but a word can "I'm sorry" sometimes worth more than thousands of excuses and unnecessary explanations. Choose love over pride. Apologize or accept the apology and continue your story.

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