You used to roll your eyes, but today you'd like to thank her for all the advice you were given during your teenage years. Mom was still right!
Among the highlights of football matches, we usually find masterful goals that bring a lot of joy to the scorer and his team. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Sometimes it happens that the ball ends up behind the back of the wrong goalkeeper.
On the 'to do' list of many individuals is the goal of running a marathon in the future. However, many are stopped by lack of confidence in their abilities.
Falling in love is a wonderful thing. It is a connection with another person, which is on such a deep level that we literally melt next to the person. But by now most of us have already realized that there is a difference between male and female infatuation. How long it takes for a woman to fall in love depends on several variables—the particular person she's seeing and her personal timeline of when she feels the time is right to let go completely.
Sometimes the relationship ends suddenly. Just yesterday you were a happy couple, but today you are single and probably sad. But there's usually some sort of silent build-up going on under the surface that makes one or both partners realize that this relationship just isn't for them. And this is brutal stuff. Falling in love is wonderful, but falling out of love... And these are the 5 brutally honest stages that such couples face.
Many believe that the Nike Zoom Vaporfly Elite 4% will cement itself as the number one marathon shoe. But it turned out that its upper part, in the manufacture of which Flyknit technology was used, retains water in it. For this reason, Nike decided to create the Nike Zoom Vaporfly Elite Flyprint.
There are many ideas about the perfect relationship in the world. Some are "too heavy", others too light, and none are truly universal. But while we have different ideas about the "perfect" relationship, there are a few things that every couple in love should experience in the first few months of their relationship. Here are 5 things we think every couple should experience in their first year of dating…
Trust, respect and mutual understanding are probably the most important things in a relationship that you can learn. But you will never be able to play the chemistry between you. It's simple or it's not.
Sooner or later, every couple (even the happiest) goes through a period of crisis. This is absolutely inevitable in any relationship, but the good news is that after this difficult period, the couple usually bonds even more. This of course applies if the crisis is successfully resolved.
The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates wrote centuries ago that walking is man's best medicine. If you don't exercise enough, sit too much, or drive everywhere, you'll want to change your habits after reading these positive effects of daily walking.
Are you interested in where to get the best coffee, which cafe has the best terrace, which is the most beautiful park, the best fitness center and where is the best place to rent a car? Then see what In Your Pocket visitors and users chose as part of the Best of Spring 2018 selection.
With the first love relationship, we start looking for the key to a successful relationship. We wonder this and that, but we all want one thing - to be satisfied and happy. Everyone is the maker of their own luck, but you can recognize some obvious signs that will make your relationship long-lasting, successful and happy, without even thinking about it.