Scenes of mountain huts usually conjure up memories of beautiful mountain scenery, satisfied faces of hikers who have reached their goal, good food and, hand in hand, a pint of short beer or a mug of beer. Without overgeneralizing, we can say that many hikers, especially men, like to reach for a beer at the top. Is that smart and responsible?
How strong is a kiss? Can he heal something that's broken, or break something that's already healed? See what happened to couples who kissed for the first time after breaking up.
There is a high probability that at some point you or your loved ones have burned out at work, become depressed, exhausted, and found it very difficult to pick yourself up. According to a new study conducted at the University of Chicago, this happens to one in two people.
Five months before the start of the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics, preparations for this great sporting event are in full swing. From September 2, viewers of small screens can watch Coca-Cola's advertisement #vednopodpiraj, in which the athlete and one-time participant of the Summer Olympics Luka Janežič also appears.
Do you feel attractive? The only correct one! Your happiness should not depend (only) on your appearance. But a recent study shows that women are happier with less attractive men. Why?
Dear runners, be careful, be careful. Participate in our prize draw and compete for Salomon SENSE ESCAPE running shoes. We will give away one pair of men's or women's running shoes, which are especially suitable for those who like to go on various running terrains.
Why not make exercise fun and motivationally different. ONNIT answered this question with themed fitness tools inspired by the Star Wars saga.
It is generally accepted that people work with us the way we allow or let them. And this is largely true. And what is it that you should never allow? What 10 things are poisoning our lives?
The latest running model UltraBOOST 3.0 allows runners to exceed the limits of their performance on various surfaces and in various weather conditions. adidas Running presents the new UltraBoost 3.0 running model as part of its cult UltraBOOST collection. It is equipped with an even larger share of the revolutionary BOOST technology, which ensures maximum energy return.
We all know how important it is to make a good first impression. Otherwise, it's clear to everyone that you can't fairly judge a book by its cover, but we humans are so conditioned that it's hard not to form an opinion about a person within the first few minutes of a new contact. But what is the psychology of first impressions? What do we judge people by first? You can find the answers to these questions in this article.
Big decisions require some thought. If you feel that your relationship is moving in the right direction and you want to take another step towards commitment, first check how solid your relationship is. Ask each other 9 questions that will make you face the truth - the purpose of these is not to show that there is something wrong with the relationship, but to find out what your weak points are and how you can improve them.
How is it easier to get out of bed earlier? Are you one of those who find getting up early a problem? They say that people who get up early are more successful and make better use of the day. It sounds simple in theory, but when it's time to get up, you'd rather smash the alarm clock into the wall. That's why we present five habits to make it easier to get out of bed earlier.