If someone loves you and is meant for you, why would you ever leave?
Any film longer than two hours is too long. You have to agree with this. It's the same with sex. At least, according to new data from dating site Saucy Dates.
A woman can be aroused in two ways. One is tangible, literally, and the other is mental. Let's take a closer look.
Sleeping naked or covered from head to toe? What he prefers to sleep in also says a lot about his personality.
Did you know that his voice can tell you if he likes you and how serious he is about you?
All addictions begin with love.
Love should always be a two-way street!
What are the habits of happy couples? Conquer them!
Think you miss him? No, you miss love.
What are the best dating apps 2020 that you'll actually want to use? Here are our editors' picks for the best dating apps of 2020 - from Tinder to Bristol, aka "Tinder for Mustaches."
"A wise woman kisses but does not love; listens but does not believe; leaves before she is abandoned." - Marilyn Monroe
"If I ever loved a woman - the more I loved her, the more I wanted to hurt her." - Diego Rivera