If you've been thinking that your partner is playing tricks on you for a while, read what sentences you'll hear when he manipulates you - such words cut deep into your heart.
Do you know how to achieve a harmonious relationship? Simple: follow the golden rules of happy couples!
You wake up to see dirty dishes in the sink. Calm your nerves, enter the room and find clothes strewn about. You'd rather go crazy and beat him up, but you love him and he's 'yours'. What to do if your partner is messy and doesn't clean up after himself? Give him a chance to do something in that area and improve.
Braj is the most important man in your life, so give him more attention. He deserves it.
In the James Bond movies, the easiest way to get a girl is to act a bit unapproachable and macho, and of course to save the girl from imminent death or rape. However, the truth about how to have sex is a bit different. A recent study investigated what personality structure of an individual is most desirable in others. And they found that men with these three personality traits are most active under the sheets.
Oh, how life for two is complicated - who will clean up, who will go to the store... who will post the prettier photo on Instagram? It may seem absurd, but if you post the same photo on Instagram, it does not mean that it is actually the same. It really differs in one thing, and that is absurdity.
Most of us have heard of the alpha male, to whom we attribute many qualities. Few people know that there is also an omega man who doesn't get much attention from women, but is absolutely gorgeous. Just how is he different from alpha males?
The first months of a relationship are usually the most juicy and sweet. However, as a rule, sex improves over the years. The partners get to know each other more and more and trust each other more and more. These are the 9 types of bed games that most couples experience in the first two years of their relationship. Are you two among them?
People very often behave strangely around you. Do they seem uncomfortable? You wonder why, but it probably never occurred to you that you might have a strong personality. You can only be convinced of this by reading what are the mysterious signs that your personality is truly unique.
The world of partner relationships is very complicated. Sometimes we fail, but over the years we gain new experiences and realize what is best for us. When we enter the age of 25, it is the time when we already know the type of man we are attracted to. But we avoid these 6 types of men like the devil of the cross.
Couples who give each other nicknames are happier and have a stronger bond...well, at least according to a survey conducted by Superdrug Online Doctor.
There is probably no person in the world you rely on more than your best friend. You know that she will support you in your decisions, and if necessary, she will stand by your side and save you from possible inconveniences due to your occasional slip-ups. Here you can read 7 favors that your best friend does without comment.