Happy long-term couples can learn a lot about how to maintain a loving relationship. Among other things, there are some things and habits that happy couples avoid. We have selected ten things that you should avoid if you want your relationship or marriage to last.
Everyone has tasted the bitter taste of the breakup of a love relationship at least once in their life. A broken heart is usually a serious source of emotional and physical pain, especially if you have taken the brunt of it. How to deal with the pain after a breakup and how long will it last? Psychologists have tried to find out what influences a broken heart to heal.
Sometimes it is difficult to recognize the signs that someone feels more than friendship for us. Men can be shy too, and it may well happen that your chosen one shares your feelings, but he hasn't told you directly yet. And so that you don't spend days wondering what he actually feels, we have prepared for you 10 signs that show that he is also in love with you.
In a relationship, it is very important that we pay attention to our partner, listen to him and thus understand what he wants most - both in the bedroom and in all other areas of the relationship. Every relationship is unique and our needs and desires are different, but there are characteristics that all attentive partners share. We have prepared for you 4 qualities that all great lovers have.
When we are in love and love someone very much, it can happen all too quickly that we become blinded and do not even notice their toxic qualities. Therefore, it is important to be aware of which virtues are absolutely necessary for a healthy relationship and which characteristics we do not want in a partner: this is the only way we can prevent ourselves from ending up in an unhealthy relationship. We have therefore prepared for you the 6 most common characteristics of toxic partners.
Love and infatuation are emotions that are considered the strongest and most wonderful. One of the most beautiful things is when we look at our partner, and our heart skips a beat. But sometimes love also brings with it some frustrations: we are not sure if our partner feels the same way about us. That's why we asked which 2 words promise that your chosen one will instantly fall in love with you.
We all want healthy, happy relationships, but at the same time we dream of an understanding partner who will always make us feel loved. However, we sometimes forget that the reason we keep finding ourselves in unfulfilling relationships lies within ourselves. We asked what trait can destroy even a happy relationship and how to make sure that it will not be in our relationships.
When it comes to relationships, there are people who know how to listen to their intuition. They usually state that they had a strange feeling that prevented them from engaging in a relationship. There are also those who ignore their feelings. Since a relationship is a matter of understanding, love can easily turn into torture. That's why it's important to recognize the warning signs and your own feelings, and you may find that the relationship isn't for you.
Don't take it for granted. You deserve more. Put yourself in his shoes.
Breakups are hard. Especially when the story ends with someone we thought would stick with us until….
Why are you crying if we had a wonderful time? You look beautiful, why do you keep asking me if you are beautiful and finding fault with yourself?
When we want to impress our partner with a date, we usually think of extravagant dinners and trips to faraway locations. However, you can also impress your chosen one in much simpler ways that will also show him how much you love him. We have prepared for you 5 ideas for dates with which you will charm your partner.