We can all agree that trust is extremely important in a healthy relationship: without it, even strong love cannot stop conflicts, insecurities and unhealthy jealousy. However, it is by no means wise to trust blindly - your partner must first show you through his actions and words that he deserves this virtue from you. That is why we have prepared 7 questions that will show you if you can trust your partner.
Today I passed by the place where we first met, and instead of shedding tears, I smiled as I remembered our first glances and touches.
There's a lot of dating advice out there. Consider only those in which you and your dignity come first.
What are the signs that point to a relationship that was created because of your past?
Unfortunately, the phase of falling in love does not last forever, sooner or later various problems arise in the relationship that you did not expect. Is a relationship break the right solution?
Romantic love is one of the most beautiful, if not the most beautiful emotion we can feel. However, relationships can be a little fuzzy at times, and many people wonder if their partner feels the same way about them. That's why we have identified 8 signs that show that your partner thinks you are his soulmate and sees you in the future.
What is the easiest way to get over it and turn over a new leaf!? A breakup is one of the most traumatic experiences and that's when we make the most mistakes.
Do you believe in illusions about love that leave you disappointed time and time again? Do you think that love should be like a fairy tale?
Introducing your partner to your parents is considered something that most people tend to do when they feel that the relationship is getting serious. Some can't wait to introduce their chosen one to their family, while others are filled with nervousness and anxiety at the thought of it. We asked what the experts think about this topic: is it necessary to introduce your partner to your parents and when is the right time to do it?
Summer is finally here and many of us are already counting down the days until the holidays, which we will spend by the sea, in nature, in a foreign capital, and certainly in the company of our closest ones. If you and your partner are going on your first vacation together this year, you must already be feeling happy anticipation, which may also be accompanied by nervousness. Will your first trip together go smoothly or will it be a test of your relationship? We have prepared 5 ideas for you on how to best spend your first vacation with your partner and avoid arguments.
No one can deny that the popularity of dating apps such as Tinder and Bumble are on the rise and are being used by most of those who are currently single. However, this does not mean that finding a partner through them is easy. Because it's completely normal to be intimidated by the thought of starting a conversation with a potential suitor. That's why we've prepared 10 ways for you to start a conversation on a dating app and also make sure it leads to a date.
A breakup is one of the most painful experiences in life, and it is quite normal to need some time after it to recover and get over your ex-partner. However, sometimes it happens that you meet a new crush very quickly and you start to wonder if it's a good idea to get into a new relationship or if it's better to stay single for a few months. We asked what experts think about this: when is it too early to start looking for a new partner?