The renovated and expanded Intersport store BTC City Ljubljana is the largest Intersport store in Slovenia with more than 2,000 m2 of shopping space. The expanded store not only brings an enhanced offer, but more emphasis is placed on product testing, entertainment and an exciting sales experience.
Stress and anxiety are feelings we have all experienced. That is why it is important to learn to regulate them and to do daily exercises that will help us to relax and achieve inner peace. We have prepared 5 yoga exercises for you or asanas that will make you breathe much easier. We suggest that you perform the exercises sequentially while breathing deeply, holding each pose for 15-20 seconds.
Is cycling an activity you are trying to lose weight with? Cycling is a great activity, but if you want to lose weight by cycling, you need to structure your rides differently than when you're just riding leisurely with your friends. When putting together a plan, you can use the tips written in the post below to achieve visible results.
Are you also a fan of an active lifestyle? Do you like cycling, running, walking in the hills...? For these types of activities, you need breathable clothing that will not let you down during the worst effort, but at the same time, in step with the times, we also want them to be as environmentally friendly as possible.
Over and over again, exercise enthusiasts wonder which type of exercise would be best for achieving their goals. A common topic of discussion is the decision between training with your own weight and weights: each option has many benefits, but at the same time also features that could turn many away from it. What do the experts think: are bodyweight or barbell training more beneficial?
Pilates is a type of exercise that has become one of the most popular in the last few years. This is because even complete beginners can use it, and in doing so, they not only take care of their health and body shape, but also help them with strength, flexibility and balance. We have prepared 5 Pilates exercises for you, which you can do even for those who are just starting out with a sporty lifestyle, and for them you don't need anything except a mat.
Nutritional supplements: which nutritional supplements to choose and for whom they make sense to use
If you play sports or try to live as healthy as possible, you have probably already heard of nutritional supplements. Opinions about them are divided: some people love them, while others claim that they are only suitable for professional athletes. That's why we asked what the experts' opinion is: for whom does the use of nutritional supplements make sense and which nutrients are most recommended to introduce into the body?
Puppies are the most desirable, but if you look into the eyes of an older dog, you will see how much love is hidden there, and it will be clear to you that older dogs need a home just as much as younger ones. Animal shelters are full of senior dogs and other senior animals hoping for a better life. But few people decide to make a noble gesture and adopt them. In this article, we present to you why you should adopt an older dog.
Summer is fast approaching and more and more people are taking up recreation, which will improve their figure until then. If you are among them, congratulations - a healthy lifestyle is always a great decision. But perhaps you haven't decided yet which schedule of sports activities would suit you better, that is, whether you will go for recreation in the early hours or in the evening. We asked what the experts think: is recreation more beneficial in the morning or in the evening?
To be in good shape and look good, you need to do sports regularly. In addition to ensuring good condition, influencing the beauty of the body and building muscles, physical activity also improves mood, maintains health and helps you feel better in your own skin. People today are not active enough, because they sit a lot and eat too much. With such a lifestyle, with insufficient movement and an intake of calories that is higher than their consumption, kilograms and fat pads accumulate.
With the unveiling of their new Cloudmonster training shoes, Swiss shoemaker ON has delivered one of their most innovative pairs to date.
Strength training is an important part of training, no matter what your fitness goals are, yet many people forget about it or even avoid it on purpose. However, it is these exercises that will make you stronger and thus enable you to be more skilled and motivated in your recreation. We asked why strength training is so beneficial and found a 5-exercise workout you can do at home.