
Cats and Dogs Prefer Beyoncé to Beethoven!

Sony tested the animal's musical taste

What kind of music does your dog like to listen to or a cat? dr. Anna Wilkinson, researcher of behavior and perception in animals, together with Sony or to his new home music system GTK-XB7 discovered the musical taste of cats and dogs. With a special research, they found that dogs and cats start wagging their tails faster when listening to songs with a faster tempo than during calm classical concerts. As many as 62 percent of the participating Kosmatin residents preferred a popular hit with a fast rhythm to the sounds of a classical symphony by musical virtuosos a la Beethoven and Mozart. Now we know where the term "party animals" comes from!

Have you ever wondered what kind of musical taste do dogs and cats have?? dr. Anna Wilkinson and Sonya got to the bottom of the question. Two Sony sound systems were used for the research GTK-XB7 (new to the market, which combines Sony's unique Extra Bass technology with flashing speaker lights) and played soothing sounds through them to the animals classical concerts (Mozart, Pachelbel, Beethoven...) and energetic popular hits (Elvis Presley, Martin Garrix, Justin Bieber and Beyoncé), while carefully checking their reactions. And the result?

Animals prefer Beyoncé to Beethoven! The research showed that popular hits are much more popular than classical concerts. What 62 percent of dogs (nine adult domestic dogs of various breeds participated in the study) spontaneously chose contemporary music, compared to only 38 percent who were found to have more selective tastes.

READ MORE: #DoNotDisturb: Who do you pay more attention to? To a partner or to the phone?

What kind of music does your pet prefer?
What kind of music does your pet prefer?

And how it went research? Music was played through both Sony GTK-XB7 speakers at the same time, one type of music on each speaker. The songs were played in randomly selected pairs and with random placement of the speakers. The order of the songs was also randomized for unbiased results. The whole thing was also caught on camera, in a recording Party Animals and you can check the interesting reactions of furry four-legged friends to the song Animals by Martin Garrix (see above).

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