Have you ever felt like someone is telling you exactly what you want to hear, just to get you? That their story always changes when you start to doubt it? And you end up apologizing for things you didn't even do? These are the lies that narcissists use to trap you!
What do they promise you? daffodils? Promises of eternal belonging, sweet words that sound like a song, and a look that promises you everything you've ever wanted - all of this can turn into a captivity in an instant, where you're no longer yourself.
Love shouldn't be a game of dominance. But for a narcissist, it's exactly that - a battlefield where he first conquers you, then breaks you.
His words, his messages, his looks, his touches – everything is carefully planned to hook you to him.
Once you recognize his words like empty shells, which hide his true intentions, you will never get caught again.
1. “I am looking for a serious relationship.”
Hidden meaning: I'm looking for someone who will be naive enough to trust me completely until I get tired of it.
At first, he will shower you with attention to quickly convince you that he is “the one.” He will talk about a future together, plans, and a family, but in reality, these are just empty words. He is not looking for a relationship, he is looking for a trophy. Once he has you, the game will end and you will be left alone while he looks for a new target.
2. “You are my soulmate.”
Hidden meaning: I'm like a chameleon – I watch you and change to win you over.
You may feel like you have everything in common. That he understands you more deeply than anyone else. But that's no coincidence—everything he says is built on your own words. A narcissist doesn't reveal his true personality to you, because he may not have one. Instead, he's just imitating you in order to be as attractive as possible.
3. “My ex was obsessed with me.”
Hidden meaning: I manipulated her for so long that she started fighting for herself – and I turned that against her.
If someone refers to all their exes as “crazy” and “possessive,” they’re probably the one who brought chaos into the relationship. How is it possible that everyone before you was problematic? Maybe it’s because they played the same game with everyone—and when their ex missed the mark, they had to portray them as monsters so they could remain victims themselves.
4. “My ex cheated on me.”
Hidden meaning: I need to prepare you to be completely devoted to me – while I do what I want.
He tells you the tragic story of how he was once betrayed to arouse your sympathy. Not because he is truly suffering, but so that you will be the one to prove yourself. He will play with boundaries, and you will be the one to constantly prove your loyalty, while he goes on “business trips” and “family visits” that never end where he says they will.
5. “I would never lie to you.”
Hidden meaning: I'm lying to you at this moment.
An honest person doesn't apologize for things you haven't even accused them of. If someone keeps repeating that they're "different from the rest" and "always tell the truth," be wary. Why is this even necessary? Maybe it's because they know they're about to do things that will make you doubt them.
6. “I want to take care of you.”
Hidden meaning: I want you to become dependent on me until I lose interest.
At first it will seem as if he wants to protect you, take care of you, and provide for you with everything you need. But once you are attached to him, the care will turn into control. What once seemed like protection will become restriction. It will no longer be a question of how he can help you—it will be a question of how you can serve him.
7. “Why should we have labels? Isn’t our love enough?”
Hidden meaning: I don't want responsibility, but I want you to act like we're in a relationship.
He can call you in the middle of the night. You can spend weekends together. He can say that you are special to him. But when you ask what you actually have, he will avoid answering. Why? Because it suits him – you are at his disposal, and he doesn't owe you anything.
8. “You’re too jealous.”
Hidden meaning: You caught me in a lie, now I have to convince you that the problem is you.
Every time you express doubt, he will turn the story against you. Instead of explaining why you found messages from other women, he will make you the culprit. The idea is simple: If he convinces you that you are overly sensitive, you will start to wonder if you are imagining it all.
9. “I miss you.”
Hidden meaning: I want you back so I can show you that you'll never be good enough.
Once you break free from his grip, he will do anything to lure you back. Not because he truly misses you, but because you were a challenge to him. Once he has you back, the game will repeat itself, only this time it will be even worse.
When words become weapons
Narcissists don't use their fists. Their most powerful weapon is their words - carefully chosen to create an illusion of security until they trap you. If you feel like someone is talking too much to be true, they probably aren't.