
Celapiu - Animal Friendly Animal Scarves

Felt scarves in the shape of animals.

The cold days are approaching and soon the scarf will fit around the neck, so it is time to slowly dust off the wardrobe for autumn and winter days. Why not think of something different, something unique this year? Why would Celine and Maja Dembowska's felt scarves warm you? Unlike fur, no animal has suffered because of these cuddly toy-like scarves.

Polish women Celine and Maja Dembowska they run an independent fashion brand Celapiu, which is signed under many surreal fashion pieces, including their own felt scarves in the form of animals such as a fox, a swan, a rabbit and a cat.

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They are all jokes made by hand, and you can get yours in the online store Etsy, where you can find many other unusual pieces from their fashion brand.

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