
CES 2018: Vuzix Blade AR, the first smart sunglasses with augmented reality

CES 2018: Vuzix Blade AR glasses - the first smart sunglasses with augmented reality

CES 2018 is expected to herald a step forward in virtual and augmented reality. In recent years, technology has somehow gotten used to this idea, some products are already enviably good, but a real boom has not yet occurred. Now that the big players like Boeing, DHL and so on have joined the game, it's really taking off. So much so that we also got sunglasses that allow us to have an AR experience.

Company Vuzix has been promising glasses that will for quite some time a decent competitor to Google glasses, has finally introduced glasses that also look great.

They have integrated into the Vuzix Blade glasses Amazon's Alexa, making them the first augmented reality glasses to support Amazon's digital assistant. In the upper right corner of the glasses you will see the Cobra Display screen, which is larger and more colorful compared to the screen on Google Glass, you can have all the information available on your smartphone. But you can too you move across the surface, so that it does not stay on only one part of the glasses.

It is installed in the right handle controller, which you will touch with your finger and changed settings. They also have built-in glasses 8 megapixel HD camera and microphone. They are equipped for phone conversations or listening to music headphone jack. If you think about it, you won't even have to take your phone out of your pocket.

You'll have to shell out for the Vuzix Blade AR 570 euros.

Gallery - CES 2018: Vuzix Blade AR Glasses - The First Smart Augmented Reality Sunglasses

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