
CES 2019: Hyundai Elevate is a 'self-driving' concept

Hyundai Elevate Concept

CES 2019 presented an interesting concept that is half robot, half car. The 'self-driving' Hyundai Elevate is built with inaccessible terrain in mind, with enough capabilities to reach where today's emergency services have to stop.

At first glance, it works Hyundai Elevate Concept a bit frightening, because an image of something quickly creeps into our minds sci-fi movie. At the fair CES 2019 Hyundai Elevate was also named with an abbreviation UMV, Ultimate Mobility Vehicle and it is actually about futuristic concept, which has wheels attached to robot arms. With this, they have greatly increased the possibilities of mobility and enabled the concept to go on terrains that have been up to now unattainable.

The Hyundai Elevate is half robot and half car, which can cope with even challenging terrain. It is suitable for searching emergency actions and participation in humanitarian crises. The concept could also take on other roles and be helpful the disabled persons in areas where it is not found accessible ramp. Movement is simplified thanks to robotic arms that can move in multiple directions, and each arm has a built-in its drive mechanism. Hyundai envisions a future in which the Elevate concept will come to a disabled person's house, align with the door, and thus enable easy wheelchair entry into the 'car'.

Hyundai Elevate Concept
Hyundai Elevate Concept

It's a concept fully electric, based on a modular platform that can be attached to different body shapes, which depends on the needs and the work that Elevate will be doing. Robot hands mimic animal movements and they can move in almost any direction. Elevate can 'step over' to 1.5 meters tall wall or 'jump' a ditch to 1.5 meters wide. When the robotic arms are 'put away', the electric concept can drives like a normal car. Hyundai spent three years on the presented concept and it is still only a concept. It would be a shame not to use it in everyday life, especially since with its help we could saved many lives.

Image gallery: Hyundai Elevate Concept

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