
CES 2020: Fisker Ocean, electric SUV with karaoke function

We already wrote about the Fisker Ocean car, and at its official presentation, which took place at the CES 2020, we were served with a few more details.

All the technical numbers of the electric SUV Fisker Ocean are not known yet, but even when they are, they won't Excessively deviated from those we already know. The battery will have a capacity of approx 80 kWh, and thus enough energy for up to 482 kilometers a long way. Fisker placed the SUV next to it in terms of price To Tesla model 3, and will be available in the year 2022. In addition to all the electric technology, Ocean can boast of projection screen, which, among other things, will be able to displayed song lyrics, which the driver or passengers will be listening to at a given moment. This fact is already dividing the world public (some think it's a good idea, others think it's not), but time will certainly tell how many people will have karaoke an accident of one kind or another while driving.

Fisker Ocean
Fisker Ocean

The exterior design of the Fisker Ocean definitely is conspicuous, and the interior could be compared to a new generation of electric cars, such as Tesla Y and Ford Mustang Mach-E. The roof of the Ocean model is covered solar panels, which will provide some additional free electricity energy. There is also talk of a so-called 'California mode', which opens the roof and side windows and thus offers 'convertible' respectively 'targa' experience.

Gallery: Fisker Ocean

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