
What does no one tell you about falling in love with your best friend?

When you realize you're falling in love with your best friend, the realization can be accompanied by feelings of surprise and fear. What if something goes wrong? What if he/she doesn't feel the same? Is it really about falling in love? Is friendship worth risking? On the other hand, there may also be sparks of excitement: What if this is going to be one of the better relationships of my life? Here you can read what no one tells you about falling in love with your best friend.

Being in love with your best friend can be scary, but on the other hand, it can lead to something wonderful. What no one tells you about falling in love with your best friend, we reveal to you in this article.

You usually know what he's thinking.

The beginnings of relationships are often very uncertain, largely because we simply don't know each other well. With a best friend, the beginning of a relationship is completely different, because you already know each other very well. Of course, this can sometimes be bad, but it often eases the initial insecurities.

They know each other very, very well in certain things.
They know each other very, very well in certain things.

First time sex can be a bit… strange.

The first sex can be a bit strange, especially if in the past you talked a lot about sex with other people, laughed about things that happened to you and maybe confided in many details, which now causes you a little anxiety.

Although they know each other well, they are just getting to know each other as lovers.
Although they know each other well, they are just getting to know each other as lovers.

They will often banter.

If you liked teasing each other when you were still friends, that will probably be reflected in your relationship as well. As long as you both feel good about it, it can be just that extra spark that fuels your new feelings for each other.

There will be fear.

Even a relationship with a new person carries the risk of a broken heart, disappointment, jealousy,... When you fall in love with your best friend, you both risk the end of your friendship. And that's scary.

The feeling of great happiness can also be connected with the fear of losing it.
The feeling of great happiness can also be connected with the fear of losing it.

Sometimes you will be nervous.

Before, you might not have cared if he saw you all over the place in the morning, or if she watched you clean the bathroom. Suddenly, in such situations, you might get a little nervous and try to make a good impression.

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