
Chain for a protective mask as a practical and stylish fashion accessory

Although we thought about them nonchalantly until a few months ago, it turned out that protective masks have to become part of our daily life and the situation will certainly not change in the long run. We all buy disposable masks or reusable cotton protective masks. Many fashion designers and "trendsetters" have begun to think of them as a fashion accessory.

Since we will obviously be using them for a while, we can definitely start thinking about how we will use them worn and combined with everyday styling. Therefore, many brands have already noticed the potential and have offered their loyal customers different types of masks, cut differently for maximum comfort on the individual face, in many colors, patterns and with different binding methods to perfectly adapt to the face.

Chain for protective mask.
Chain for protective mask.
Chain for protective mask.
Chain for protective mask.

Chain for protective mask

You may have noticed that you often don't know where to put the mask, so for example you tie it around your arm, tuck it behind your ear or pull it under your chin. The designers therefore came up with a mask chain modeled after eyeglass chains. So the mask is always secure around the neck and can be put back on the face if you need to enter public transport or shops.

Chain for protective mask.
Chain for protective mask.

Of course, this method of use is recommended when you have to put on the mask several times in a short period of time, for example when entering shops. But when you visit a restaurant, for example, you should definitely store it in a bag and protect it from external influences.

The chains below will turn your mask into a real fashion accessory!

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