Photo: envato

Chaos under the sink: 7 items you should not store under the kitchen sink

Get rid of them as soon as possible!

These 7 things don't belong under the kitchen sink because they create a mess in the kitchen. What's under the kitchen sink? Do you have storage there for all sorts of items?

Often found under the sink old sponges or used cleaning cloths that should have been discarded a long time ago.

This space is usually one of the most challenging to organize in the kitchen. Due to pipes and other installations, there is room small, irregularly shaped and often poorly utilized. If we add a trash can or a water filtration system, organizing this space becomes a real challenge.

Seven things you shouldn't keep under the sink


Storing food under the sink is not recommended as this area is often damp and prone to leaks. As a result, food can quickly spoil or start to mold, even if it is stored in closed containers. In addition, such food can attract pests and insects. It is best to store foods in the refrigerator or in a pantry where they are safe from moisture and pests.

Do you have potatoes stored there? Photo: Pixabay

Cleaning agents

We often keep cleaners, garbage bags and other accessories under the sink, which quickly accumulate and create a mess. While this space can be handy for storing cleaning supplies, it quickly fills up and becomes disorganized. A better solution is to store these assets in a place where you have more space and where you can easily access them when you need them.

Empty bottles

Empty cleaning bottles are often left under the sink, even though they are no longer used. Instead of leaving them there, it's best to throw them away right away. This will free up space and avoid the unnecessary accumulation of unnecessary things.

Old cleaning supplies

It makes sense to regularly change scrubbing sponges, cloths and other cleaning tools that have already served their purpose. The space under the sink is often dark and difficult to access, which allows old and useless utensils to be easily hidden and forgotten. Regular checking and removal of old accessories will help to better organize the space.

Photo: envato

Products you no longer use

Many products that we try once, but do not suit us, often remain stored under the sink. Instead of keeping them there, it's better to get rid of anything you don't use regularly or that isn't useful. This will allow more space for the things you really need.

Kitchen towels

The space under the sink may seem suitable for storing tea towels, but it is not the best choice. Kitchen towels that you use to dry your hands or dishes are best stored in a dry and clean place, such as a drawer. The cloths you use for cleaning can be stored elsewhere, where you can easily reach them when you need them.


Although you may not store a vase under the sink, this space is often used to store various things that take up a lot of space. Vases can take up valuable space that is lacking under the sink. It is recommended that you find another place for them where they will be stored more safely and sensibly.

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