
Check out how men's clothing has changed over time

How has men's clothing changed over the past 100 years?

Fashion is from today to tomorrow and its history is (too) full of trends. This time we will delve into the last hundred years of men's clothing and how it has changed over time. From loosely tailored in the past to tight today, infographics turn back time all the way to the 1920s.

Men's clothing is probably the biggest constant star in the world of fashion, yet she has changed quite a bit over time. Infographics tackles it chronologically by decades and adds fashion icons, who wore the cut the best at the time.

READ MORE: Trend: Instagram has been flooded with men in stylish suits #suitfie

Which period And what did you like best about men's clothes?

How men's clothing has changed over the past 100 years.
How men's clothing has changed over the past 100 years.

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