
Check out what they mean: 16 interesting signs from the universe and their meaning

The universe sends us the missing pieces of the puzzle, we just have to put them in the right place.

The universe communicates with us through symbols, and these are the language of our subconscious. In order to understand what the universe is trying to tell us, we must have an open mind and heart. Sometimes these messages are unusual, sometimes they are clear signs, and sometimes we are simply not ready to accept them and therefore do not see them.

What are the most common signs from space?

1. Repeated experiences

We often ignore repetitive situations. They may be simple things or things that repeat themselves throughout life. They usually trigger the same feeling in us, either pleasant, irritating or disturbing. Most important life lessons are painful in some way. We must break this repetitive cycle, overcome obstacles and find lessons in them, and move on with our life purpose.

2. Dreams

Dreams are an inexhaustible source of subconscious symbolism. We still don't know much about them, even though they have been studied since time immemorial. Dreams are full of seemingly unrelated stories that we usually don't understand. There are many dreams that are similar and many people have them. There are also very specific dreams that seem to carry a special message, as well as recurring dreams. While we sleep, we are vulnerable, but our minds are open and ready to receive information that we cannot receive while awake.

3. Repeating numbers

No matter where we see repeating numbers, we wonder what they mean. Numbers are just another medium of communication between us and the universe. Numerology is about the mystical connection between numbers and coinciding events. There are some universal things about different sequences of numbers that can help decipher the meaning. For example, the recurring number one (1111) is one of the most common signs that confirms that everything we do is beneficial for our path.

Other numbers also have their own meaning. The number two is associated with balance, the number three with creativity, the number four with determination, etc. Many believe that repeating numbers are signs from the universe that someone is thinking of us.

4. Animals and insects

Animals are in perfect harmony with nature, and that is why they are often used as spiritual vessels that give us signs from the universe.
In terms of giving signs from the universe, there are many examples of cats sensing, for example, that their owner is ill. Dogs may feel the need to protect their owner when they sense danger.

Some of the most common animal symbols with spiritual meaning throughout history are snakes, lions, owls, bears, deer, and ravens. They are often used in esoteric and spiritual works, as well as in fairy tales as metaphors or symbols with certain properties.

5. Synchronicity

Synchronicity is probably one of the most magical things that can happen in everyday life and one of the surest signs that we are on the right track. In essence, synchronicity is a meaningful coincidence, a way for the universe to communicate.

The famous analytical psychologist Carl Jung defined synchronicity as: "... the simultaneous occurrence of two significant but not causally related events." There is no rule as to how, why or when this happens, the important thing is to see it and find meaning in the event. It can be anything - a shape of a cloud, a bird on the window, a phone call, a feeling, a sentence spoken to someone... The universe is like a giant conscious mind and we are only a small part of it.

6. Repeated words

If we hear or read the same words or phrases over and over again, we sometimes stop and try to understand what our spirit guides are trying to tell us. The words are strong and direct. What we hear will undoubtedly trigger a certain memory, feeling or thought that we need to pay attention to.

7. Music

Music is probably the most wonderful way to communicate. The fact that we understand it with feelings and not with words. It is universal and can literally transport us to another state of mind. The beauty of music is that it is highly associative and can be understood differently by each person. People from all over the world can listen to a single piece of music and have similar or different experiences.

If we ever wake up with a song stuck in our mind, think about what message it is trying to convey. Let's rethink the feeling and the words. Music is closely related to emotions, and emotions are always good guides for understanding yourself and achieving personal growth.

8. Diseases

Illness can sometimes be a sign of the universe. Many believe that illness appears as a warning that we need to drastically change a part of our life that is not in line with our higher truth. For example, if a person constantly suffers from a sore throat, this may be a sign of an improper alignment of the throat chakra. In other words, a man might have trouble speaking his truth. If they have a constant headache, they may be too self-critical, if their back hurts, they feel unsupported in life, and so on.

The reason for each problem is mostly related to the person's personal story, beliefs and upbringing. In order to heal our physical body, we must first heal our thoughts. We need to change our belief system and let go of old paradigms that no longer serve us.

9. Weather

Weather is common to all people. Do you notice what the weather is like? Feelings? Do you enjoy a certain weather? Does it bother you somehow? The weather is our connection to nature and sometimes reflects our inner state.

If we dream about a certain weather, how should we react? What does this response mean in terms of your own feelings? Would you like to wash something away with the rain? Or do you feel the warmth of the sun because you miss the closeness?

10. Stoppages and delays

Sometimes obstacles in our path are just diversions. We often have a plan in our head that is not necessarily the best for us, and when we understand the purpose of the obstacles, we are grateful for them. A lot can happen behind the scenes. We only see a small part of the big picture, but if we pay attention to the details, we will understand that some things take time to happen as they should.

We cannot change unfortunate events, but we can change our attitude towards them.

11. Items

The universe can communicate with us through the objects around us. Whether we find something we lost a long time ago, or we lost something valuable, it can be a sign. Are some items in the house constantly falling on the floor or breaking? Sometimes these objects trigger something unresolved from the past or support our current desires or doubts. They can be answers or questions.

12. Unexpected meetings

Signs can appear in the form of other people. They are usually people we don't expect to meet and they usually do or say something that makes sense to us at that moment. Sometimes it's not so much about what these people say or do, but how we feel around them.

13. We feel like our life is falling apart

There are points in life when the universe has no choice but to shake us to the core of our being. This is usually accompanied by a series of strange and unfortunate events when we feel that nothing is going right. Everything we do seems futile and every step we take seems wrong.

It is an invitation to start a new way of life, to completely change our life. It is an opportunity to let go of everything that no longer serves us and an opportunity to understand which parts of our lives do not match our truth.

14. Full flow

There are periods in life when everything goes according to our wishes. We feel inspired, everything we do seems to have a deep purpose, we feel synchronicities and feel light. It is also a time of great opportunities, when all our desires come true, from financial abundance to meeting the love of our life.

We are simply attuned to a higher power because we trust that the universe has our backs and this allows us to feel full flow in our lives.

15. Meditation

Meditation is a good way to get rid of unwanted and tiring thoughts in your head. So much of our thoughts are just useless information that has nothing to do with us. The serenity of meditation is precisely what allows the universe to implant its signs in our minds. These signs often look like visions or seemingly random words, numbers, symbols, colors, bodily sensations, etc. When we are at peace, it is easier to hear what our higher self is whispering to us.

Meditation is not an escape from reality, but rather a connection to real reality that is not overloaded with redundant information and uncontrolled emotions.

16. Feathers

The sight of feathers is usually associated with the presence of angels or spirit guides, and different colored feathers have different meanings. For example, white feathers are associated with the crown chakra, heaven, angels, purity, peace, protection... Red feathers are associated with strength, root chakra, money, courage... Blue feathers are associated with the throat chakra, communication, inspiration... Yellow feathers are associated with energy, intelligence, wisdom, luck...

Whenever we receive or see a pen, we ask ourselves these questions:"What did we think when we saw him? How did we feel at that moment and what were our first impressions?”

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