
Check which indoor plants are suitable for your home

Which indoor plant is the right choice for your space?

Not everyone is for everyone. The same goes for indoor plants. Not all of them are suitable for every home or every space. Would you like to know which ones are suitable for a dark hall, for a bright living room, for a corridor and for a cold bedroom and what kind of care do they need? We have prepared a bunch of tips that will encourage you to furnish your apartment with indoor plants, which are more than just a nice addition to the interior, as they also have beneficial effects on the well-being of the room. So which one to choose?

Which indoor plants are suitable for your home? It depends on what do you expect from them. Do you just want them as decoration or would you like them to have a beneficial effect on you and your health? They are indoor plants an appreciative guest who is relatively easy to please, you only need to know a few little things about them, but they are decisive. Not sure which indoor plants are suitable for your home? Nothing serious. We are here to help you. First, ask yourself how much sunlight the space receives, in which you want to house a houseplant.

The right indoor plant grows for everyone.
The right indoor plant grows for everyone.

If she is present most of the time artificial light and if you like to forget about watering and care, it is the right choice for you lily. If something like this has already failed you in the past, you can't go astray. Are they late? Zamia is a fairly new houseplant that has had a meteoric rise due to beautiful shiny leaves, but mainly due to the undemanding cultivation, as it is a very resistant plant which thrives in very adverse conditions.

Indoor plants are more than just a beautiful decoration of the room.
Indoor plants are more than just a beautiful decoration of the room.

If the amount of sunlight in the room is medium and there is air in the room quite moist, think about it an orchid, if the moisture level is within normal parameters, however broadleaf. Both require little care and are ideal for all of you who are away a lot. If you have a little more time to care and take care of yourself, think about it in the same situation gooseberry. But only if you have high ceilings, otherwise she is a better candidate bayonet or mother-in-law's tongue. If the room has plenty of sunlight and you have more "green fingers", you can choose from herbs (if you would like an edible plant) and room ferns, but if taking care of plants is the last thing on your mind, think again cactus.

READ MORE: Tableau Tray - Automatic Plant Watering System #kickstarter

A little sunshine light light? No panic! There are indoor plants that survive even in such conditions.
A little sunshine light light? No panic! There are indoor plants that survive even in such conditions.

And Why is it important to have houseplants? Because today people, especially those who live in cities, more than they spend three-quarters of the day indoors (at home, in a shop, at school, at work, in means of transport...) and the air we breathe most of the day is indoor air. Indoor plants they perform almost all the important tasks that outdoor plants do in caring for our biosphere. That's how they are natural filters, ionizers as humidifiers. So don't delay and choose your own, because whether you have a knack for growing plants, there's a houseplant for you. Find out which one it is with the infographic below.

Which indoor plant is the right choice for your space?
Which indoor plant is the right choice for your space?

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