
Chestnut soup

Kostanjeva juha
Chestnut soup

Every month we will prepare six new and interesting recipes, so follow us diligently and participate in the Jamnica prize game.

Ingridients: 20 g of butter, shallot, larger parsnip root, medium-sized celery root, 2 stalks of celery, 2 medium-sized apples, 300 g of boiled chestnuts, 1 l of vegetable broth, salt, pepper, a little sweet cream, a pinch of nutmeg

Preparation: Cut the washed and peeled parsnips, celery root and shallots, celery stalks and peeled apples into small cubes. Meanwhile, melt the butter in a saucepan and add chopped shallots, parsnips and celery root first and fry for about 10 minutes. Add the rest of the chopped vegetables, salt and pepper and a pinch of grated nutmeg. After about 10 minutes, add the peeled chestnuts and cover everything with hot vegetable soup. Let's cook this for about half an hour until all the vegetables are soft, then mix it with a hand blender. Serve with a few drops of olive or pumpkin oil.

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