
Children's center Beti and Cej

The capital welcomed the arrival of the new children's center, which also has a socially responsible nature, as it was created with the aim of enabling all young people to spend quality free time for a minimal contribution. It should provide a pleasant environment for children, in which they will develop their abilities and...

The capital welcomed the arrival of the new children's center, which also has a socially responsible nature, as it was created with the aim of enabling all young people to spend quality free time for a minimal contribution. It should provide a pleasant environment for children in which they will develop their abilities and talents.


At the end of March, the opening ceremony of the new Beti and Cej Children's Center was held on the lower floor of the Emporium in BTC City. Its concept is based on a sports-creative and educational center in which highly professional educators and athletes will help children between the ages of 3 and 12 spend quality free time. In the children's center, qualified educators will on the one hand introduce children to over 30 different types of sports and encourage them to have a positive attitude towards sports, while on the other hand they will strengthen children's creativity, help discover their talents and teach them foreign languages. Given that nowadays parents are very overburdened, as a result of which all too many children spend their free time in front of the computer or television and thus do not develop their socialization skills, which are extremely important for later development and functioning in society and life, centers of this type, such as the new children's sports-creative and educational center in BTC is highly desirable. Namely, they enable children to spend their free time more actively and creatively, while at the same time making everyday chores easier for parents. Thus, every Friday from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., the Lingula language center invites you to free creative workshops, where children gain new knowledge through play with the help of current topics. At the end of April, the children's workshops will be especially Easter-colored, as they will make a stand for an Easter egg.



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