
Christmas and New Year customs in Slovenia: a tradition passed down from generation to generation

Traditions for the New Year

Photo: envato

The countdown to New Year's Eve is already a real tradition in many households. That's when champagne is opened, New Year's music plays, fireworks are lit. The end of the year is also the time when new decisions for the coming year begin to be made. In this article, we reveal to you which Christmas and New Year's customs are part of tradition in Slovenia.

Tradition is a beautiful thing because it connects us with our predecessors. They are Christmas and New Year customs, which have been passed down from generation to generation in Slovenia for many years.

New Year's resolutions

New Year's resolutions are promises you make at the beginning of the year we give ourselves, not others. One of the most common is yes give up what a vice. Making New Year's resolutions is a great way to make positive changes in your life. Of course, every time you are firmly determined to correct the infamous statistics, but the old habit is an iron shirt. It is important to keep your promises.


Decoration of the tree

Today, the Christmas tree is decorated as early as the beginning of December. However, the tree as a symbol of Christmas is placed around December 21 to mark the victory of life over death. All decorations are supposed to be removed on Epiphany - January 6th, while the nativity scene can be left up until Candlemas on February 2nd, as it symbolizes the Festival of Lights.

A lesser-known tradition dictates that the Christmas or New Year's tree be cut down on New Year's Eve just before midnight. The superstitious believe that the New Year's tree, which is still standing on January 1, brings bad luck.


Fir tree, like a Christmas tree

Ancient customs are linked to its symbolism, as the fir tree was already in Slavic mythology, a protector against bad and evil. The fir tree symbolizes courage, dignity, loyalty. It relates to the idea of eternal life, as it ascends, towards the sky, the sun and the stars.

Formal dress

The last night of the year is definitely something special. It is a magnificent event for which most people prepare specially. Everyone wants the evening to go perfectly. Therefore, it is a kind of tradition to say goodbye to the old year, to dress appropriately and solemnly. The old year is saying goodbye, the new year is coming.

New Year's dinner

Once upon a time, it was believed that the luck in the new year is also influenced by what they eat during the celebration of the dinner. Therefore, they ate only those foods that were supposed to bring happiness, wealth, health and success in the new year. Pork is supposed to bring progress, chicken regression. They also ate cakes and pastries in a round shape, as they were said to bring you luck and wealth.


The first guests are men

According to tradition, the first guests on New Year's Day are men. If a woman enters the house first, she alone is said to bring bad luck. For good luck, women once blessed the house by sweeping the room three times - in the direction from the threshold to the table, so that new fruits would be born in the new year.

A prayer for the new year

In the new year, the leaf turns and every person can look at it spiritual eyes. Therefore, according to tradition, it is necessary to pray and give thanks for the old year and delve into the thoughts and words that you would change in the new year.


Listening to music, singing, dancing and having fun. Slovenian tradition however, the song Silvestski poljub, which was first played in 1971, has definitely remained for many years, and since then we cannot imagine entering the new year without it.

A toast

Toasting and clinking glasses is a common practice in many cultures. Clinking glasses has historically been strongly associated with belief in supernatural forces. They were convinced that there were evil spirits in alcohol that harmed people and of course it was necessary to drive them away. It was believed that the sound made by the clinking of glasses drives away evil forces. Today, we wish luck and all the best by clinking glasses, thus warding off evil spirits.


Greetings and gathering outdoors

Visiting friends and acquaintances is part of it New Year's celebration, because then comes the moment of expressing good wishes for the coming year.


Fireworks are a symbol of the longest night of the year, when we welcome the arrival of the new year and everyone with a countdown we wish you happiness and happy new year.

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