
A Christmas story and a living nativity scene in the Ljubljana Zoo

A Christmas story with employees and animals from the zoo (Photo: ZOO Ljubljana)

In happy December, there will also be a variety of festive events at the Ljubljana Zoo. You are invited to visit the live nativity scene and the Christmas story performance, which also includes animals from the zoo this year.

Important information
Ljubljana Zoo
Facebook event
Entrance fee
8 €

V Ljubljana Zoo will also prepare a musical and stage event Christmas Story this year. This Christmas story is very special, because in addition to musical guests, the event is also performed by zoo employees and their animals, such as sheep, donkeys, oxen and even camels. The half-hour event takes place on the 'Slovenian farm' in ZOO Ljubljana in front of an idyllic farm house and a 300-year-old granary, namely during the longest nights of the old year. Every year, the visitors are most impressed by the festively decorated camels, and children especially enjoy when they can mingle among the fireplaces, shepherds and their animals after the event. They can also visit the Holy Family in the stable.

The Christmas story features employees and animals from the Ljubljana Zoo. (Photo: ZOO Ljubljana)
The Christmas story features employees and animals from the Ljubljana Zoo. (Photo: ZOO Ljubljana)

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This year, the legend of Slovenian pop music will sing in the performance Otto Pestner and the choir of the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Ljubljana Phrenicus. Visitors who buy tickets to see A Christmas Story will also be able to visit the zoo on the same day. You can watch A Christmas Story on 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29 December 2016 at 17:00.

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