
Cipria Makeup Ljubljana: a new beauty corner in the center of Ljubljana

Cipria Makeup Ljubljana

A new Italian make-up brand, Cipria Makeup, which follows the biggest global trends, recently arrived in Ljubljana from Milan. You can find them in the beauty shop, the first of its kind in Slovenia, where around 900 products await us on twelve meters, including bold make-up, make-up accessories, a green line of beauty products, as well as real perfumes.

Basic information
Cipria Makeup Ljubljana
City square 6
From Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 20:00, on Sunday from 11:00 to 19:00.
041 797 055

Cipria Makeup differs from other brands in its own way colors, which means shadows are available in a hundred and one colors, and the same applies to lipsticks, easy and Mardi Gras. Med around 900 products you can also find currently the most popular makeup, such as bronzers, highlighters, lipsticks in darker, brown tones and matte textures, which are otherwise a little harder to find. The customer can before the purchase also try each product.
V Cipria Makeup Ljubljana is also available line of care products, such as for example micellar waters and tonics. It is also worth pointing out green line, which is 100% natural and suitable for vegans. It is also always present in the store promotional counter, where particularly affordable products are available, among which we currently also find excellent products for New Year's make-up.

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At Cipria Makeup Ljubljana, they also do your makeup!
At Cipria Makeup Ljubljana, they also do your makeup!

Of course, we must not forget the make-up artist Tino Urekar, which on certain days the customer also lychees, otherwise with pleasure advises on choosing suitable make-up, which will suit our face shape and, of course, our skin type.
Among other things, Tina confided in us what they will be like makeup trends in 2017. It remains among the biggest trends contouring or face shading and face lighting. They will reign matte lipsticks, in which we first line the lips with a slightly darker pencil, and then gradually apply lighter tones to get effect ombre. Darker colors will dominate - wine red, brownish colors - but let's avoid bright colors and glitter. Among other things, it also remains in fashion natural look.
And the prices of the products? These are suitable for every pocket, they range between 2 and 20 euros, and most products are of Italian origin.

Gallery – Cipria Makeup Ljubljana

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