
Citroën DS: if Citroën revived the famous "frog"

Revived "frog" Citroën DS

The Citroën DS, or "frog" as we call it, is one of the most recognizable cars in the world. The popular Citroën car from the 60s is now just history, an old-timer, but thanks to French designer Jean-Louis Bui, we can imagine what the next generation of this famous model would look like if the car with a timeless design that was in 1955, when rolled off the assembly line for the first time, decades ahead of the competition, manufactured today.

When it's Citroën in 1955, he started producing slovi DS model, which the nickname caught on "frog", with its hydraulic chassis and futuristic curves, was decades ahead of other cars. Even today, it is considered one of the most beautiful cars of all time, which is also confirmed by the fact that Citroën was awarded for it the best industrial design of the 20th century.

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"The Frog" would be a hit even in the 21st century.
"Zaba" would be a sure hit even in the 21st century.

Today, the Citroën DS belongs to the old-timers, a Jean-Louis Bui, a designer with 25 years of experience in automotive design and engineering, employed by a Parisian company Etud-Integral, which is engaged in the production of functional prototypes, is from 60 years old the famous "frogs" produced a modern version of the Citroën DS model, which is a tribute to the legendary vehicle, and in it we also find features of two other famous Citroëns, namely SM and CX models.

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