
The city in miniature, the "coolest" exhibition in the city

The city in miniature

A small town is the coolest exhibition, because it was not prepared by museum curators, but by 10- to 12-year-old pupils of the Valentin Vodnik Primary School, who participate in the Small Museum project - a cultural and educational participatory project of the Museum and Galleries of the City of Ljubljana. The exhibition will be open until May 13, 2016.

Important information
Plečnik house, Karunova 4-6, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
4 €

The city in miniature is probably the "coolest" exhibition, because it is not the work of museum curators, but of 10- to 12-year-old students Valentina Vodnika elementary school, who participate in the project Museum in miniature − the cultural and educational participatory project of the Museum and Galleries of the City of Ljubljana.

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They are on display in Plečnik's house models of buildings inspired by Plečnik, which were chosen in a competition for kindergartens, schools and families. The children also prepared a naughty trip to the past. On April 2 and 16, 2016 at 4 p.m., you will be taken through the exhibition young Jože Plečnik, his brother Janez, sister Marija, housewife Urška and friend Fran Saleški Finžgar.

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