
City of Tomorrow - this is what traffic will look like in the near future

Ford - City of Tomorrow

Ford presented its vision of the future in the field of mobility at the Detroit Motor Show (NAISA 2017). This is reflected in the city of the future - the City of Tomorrow - which will be more fluid, less congested and, accordingly, more environmentally friendly thanks to autonomous and electric vehicles, car sharing and the system of connected vehicles.

Ford is not only concerned with the development and manufacture of vehicles, it is strong also engaged in solving problems with mobility and urban pollution due to traffic.

Ford sees beyond its cars.
Ford sees beyond its cars.

Ford is the only one in the automotive industry to have a special team (City Solutions Team), which deals exclusively with solving such problems.

READ MORE: New Ford GT (2017) - View Only

Ford has its own the city of the future presented in the project City of Tomorrow, which paints a picture of mobility in the near future that will characterize it autonomous electric vehicles and infrastructure adapted to future technologies. More in the video.

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