

FAST FOOD WITH TRADITION In Koper, behind the truck terminal, near the Port youth hotel and motel, Cityburger has been operating for more than six years. The owners can boast of several decades of experience in fast food, with names such as picopeka...

Basic information
Ankaranska 7
from Monday to Saturday from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., on Sundays from 10 a.m. to midnight
phone for delivery h

FAST FOOD WITH TRADITION In Koper, behind the truck terminal, near the Port youth hotel and motel, Cityburger has been operating for more than six years, a well-known "stop" for fast food among Koper residents. The owners can boast of several decades of experience in the fast food offer, with names such as Picopeka Primorska and, of course, their food. Cityburger offers a variety of pizzas, hamburgers, salads, sandwiches, pasta, or home-made "pasta" and other dishes to order (e.g. the popular čevapčiče). They also deliver all the food to your home, so they have a well-organized website where you can place an order, and they offer various payment options - by card or by mobile phone (Moneta service). When ordering food at home, the prices of the dishes are 100 to 200 tolars higher than the prices in the bar. They say that they convince their guests with quality food and good prices, for example their cityburger, which contains double the amount of meat and vegetables, costs 700 tolars in the bar. Of course, in line with trends, the offer has also been adapted for vegetarians. In the pleasant morning shade, Cityburger offers homeliness on the outdoor benches in front of the bar and a quick "strengthening" after shopping in the nearby Supernova shopping center.


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