
3 essential things that will greatly, greatly improve your sex life

3 essential things that will greatly, greatly improve your sex life

Sexuality is not always a good experience in and of itself, as it requires some effort and time to explore and learn. There's no need to worry if the sexuality between you is on the upswing at the moment, because you can change it and these are the essential things that you need to change.

All couples go through periods when when sexuality is on foot between them, which is not necessarily a sign that something is wrong between them. Pleasure in sexuality is not a matter of luck, a beautiful body and appearance or talent, but rather a matter of a combination of diverse factors and you can learn a lot.

For starters, it's important to find out if they are sexually compatible, and then focus on things that will drastically improve your sexual experience.

Talking about sexuality

Although our society is becoming more and more open, it is still common for us difficult to start a conversation about sexuality. We get stuck in old patterns of behavior without exploring what we both really want he answers in bed. And this is a habit you will have to break.

Say what you want and what you don't.
Say what you want and what you don't.

If a certain behavior of your partner during intercourse suits you, tell him that too. The same applies in the opposite situation - if something does not suit you, you should not suffer, but clearly say yes you don't like it.

Why are you having sex?

They have to ask themselves why they feel each other - because of mutual attraction and needs or because they want to achieve something in this way a compromise. If you use sex as a tool to smooth over the differences between you, it can end badly, otherwise the unresolved conflicts will return in more stronger form, and sexuality can even come close to you.

Sex isn't always great, and that's normal.
Sex isn't always great, and that's normal.

It is also important not to have too many expectations, because sometimes it is intercourse very good, sometimes a little less and this is a completely normal phenomenon. As they say, quality over quantity.


We must not forget about masturbation, because it is knowing your own body vital in sexuality. Playing with your body is one way to find out what suits you and what doesn't.

Other ways you can improve your sexuality

  • Yoga is an exercise for the body and the mind - regular practice of yoga will make you more flexible and in touch with yourself, which is a prerequisite for a healthy and complete sex life.
  • Don't forget to breathe - in sex, anxiety is normal, and breathing can calm and relax you.

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