
3 ways to 'get rid' of your Christmas tree when it's time to say goodbye

The Christmas and New Year holidays have not yet passed in the hearts of many. That's why the Christmas tree is still found in many homes. Unfortunately, sooner or later she will have to wave goodbye.

Looking at the Christmas tree that still adorns your house, have you asked yourself, why haven't you cleaned it up yet? This will undoubtedly need to be done as soon as possible. Santa will not be visiting for more than 350 days.

What are some ways to get rid of a Christmas tree?

Transform it.

The Christmas tree offers a lot of valuable wood.
The Christmas tree offers a lot of valuable wood.

If you have a developed imagination, you can transform the holiday tree into a wide variety of wooden objects with some effort. Who knows - you may discover your new talent during the time spent in the workshop.

Plant it.

Living trees diligently produce oxygen.
Living trees diligently produce oxygen.

If you have enough space around your house, you can simply plant the tree in the ground. This means that you will not need to buy a new one next year. You won't be able to revive the tree, but you will save some oxygen.

Recycle it.

Find out if there is a wood recycling company near your home. In case you don't know what to do with your tree, it's probably best to leave it to the professionals.

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