
5 key things: what sets women with GOOD style apart from other women

5 key things: what sets women with GOOD style apart from other women

If you include some things in your daily routine, you will improve your appearance simply, without cost - quickly and without stress.

Women who care about their appearance know how much time they usually spend they lose on the morning routine, which includes, among other things comparing fashion combinations. Not to mention the time-consuming hair and make-up.

The problem is, yes you don't have good organization. Since you tend to choose combinations at the last minute, it's quite understandable that some of the brilliant ideas you have in your head they won't be exactly perfect, when you implement them. And then you look in the closet for alternatives that would be better, but the result is even worse.
Well, you can change that too! With simple tricks, you can do amazing things for yourself you make the morning routine easier and you create a look that many women would envy.

This is what separates women with GOOD style from other women:

They care about time.

Morning care, make-up and dressing will certainly not only demand 15 minutes of time, so it's incredible that you expect to do everything you set out to do in such a short period of time. If you want to avoid stress, try to get up early. do the math how much time you need for morning activities, and sets the alarm accordingly.

They care about time.
They care about time.

They are planning what to wear.

If you know that in the morning you won't have the will to do it rummaged through the closet, which pieces will match perfectly, then in the evening before going to bed prepare the wardrobe. This way you will avoid stress and the possibility of making a fashion mistake.

They pay attention to underwear.

Surely you know that some pieces of clothing do not go with certain combinations of underwear. All women who have good style know that you must also have in your closet skin-colored underwear – this goes with absolutely any fashionable combination, especially white. You also have to pay attention to the edges of the panties, as well as the straps of the bra.

They choose appropriate fashion accessories.
They choose appropriate fashion accessories.

They wear things that fit them.

The alpha and omega of good style are the pieces you know to surrender to you. Don't be a victim of fashion trends that you know don't suit your style and image. Style is built over the years, which means you're bound to make a few mistakes here and there before you find your style, but choose things wisely.

They choose appropriate fashion accessories.

Jewelry can do wonders, but it can ruin even the best fashion combination. Stick to the rules less is more. Don't be like a Christmas tree. The selection of jewelry is also important - put on pieces that match the clothes. Tastes are different, but you won't go wrong with minimalistic pieces. A similar rule applies to selection handbags.

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