
6 ingredients from the kitchen, with which you will clean the bathroom in 15 minutes

6 ingredients from the kitchen, with which you will clean the bathroom in 15 minutes.

Every shower, bath and wash is the same story – the tub, shower, sink and taps turn into a grey-white landscape full of greyish round spots caused by water. You probably rub the faucets or shower glass hard every time, you spend a lot on expensive products that will do wonders in the bathroom, but you don't realize that a walk to the refrigerator is enough. These tricks will make your life significantly easier from now on. And the environment will thank you.

Cleaning the bathroom probably takes a lot out of everyone time. A space that is a litter bacteria, is the most difficult to clean, as there are fewer cleaning procedures pleasant, and stubborn stains are great a bite. To make your life easier, we peeked into the kitchen and found something ingredients, with which you will clean the most annoying ones stains. And with the minimum efforts.

Shower head

The easiest trick in the world - all you need is vinegar, which can be found in every household. With this method, you will get rid of the stone that accumulates on the shower head. Pour as much vinegar into the plastic bag as the liquid will hold shower head, and tie the bag. Leave the natural cleanser on for an hour. Remove the bag and wipe the shower.

Toilet bowl

For cleaning toilet bowls you don't need expensive cleaners, but a bottle is enough coke. Pour a liter of liquid into the shell and let it stand for 60 minutes. After an hour shell scrub well and voila, bacteria gone.

Water stains

Probably the smartest and simplest solution - cut it lemon in half In places where there is a lot water stains, rub with half lemons. If the stains are still present, add a teaspoon salt to the problem area.


Cleaning mirrors it gives many people headaches. But with this trick, life will become much easier. All you need is bicarbonate of soda, which will make the mirrors shiny. If you don't have a soda, you can have three black tea tea bags combine with water, which is then sprayed on the mirror. Remove the liquid with newspaper.


It is probably the most difficult thing to maintain in the bathroom faucet. There are several tricks to help keep it clean. One of the effective tips is to coat the faucet with baking soda or vinegar. Let it work for a while and rinse the faucet with hot water. For a better effect, rub the problem areas with lemon.

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