
Canon IVY: Because printed photos are so cool

Canon Ivy

Nowadays, everyone with a smartphone is a photographer. While the photos we take digitally live forever in the digital realm, the insoluble puzzle is the very disappearance and physical absence of photos in our lives. They rarely find their way into our physical world. On our walls, in our wallets, purses... as recordings that we have always adored as a memory. Now you can bring your virtual portfolio to life with the Canon IVY mini photo printer.

Canon IVY is built with Zero Ink, a unique feature that eliminates the need for large cartridges that mini printers have. That's right IVY mini a great way to get to the living Instagram recordings. Forget about tagging your friends online - literally tag them with the size of a picture your phone has created. And bring them into real life.

The gap between the "cloud" and the physical world can cheapen the value of the art form, i.e. it reduces the effect and its meaning, which is why real printed photos are always something special, because they are never thrown away. They remain cataloged in a different way.

Canon Ivy
Canon Ivy

And even though it's cheap, it only costs $129.99, you can Canon IVY it helps enrich your photography and thus your life.

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